Frequently Asked Questions

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Does Meerra Mevawala teach personally at the Academy ?

Yes, Meerra Mevawala personally teaches each and every makeup class. She is also responsible for our hair classes. 
We take honor in being one of the best makeup academy in Mumbai and train the students as per the internal standards. We take students in small batches so greater attention is taken on each of them for their success.

What is the duration of CIDESCO International Media Makeup Diploma ?

CIDESCO International as we know is valid in 60 countries. The minimum hours required for training is 320 hours. The key to any successful artist is practice. We have structured our course to allow all out students the maximum amount of time to both practice what we have shown them in class and apply in real-time as they continue to grow and learn in the academy.

Do you teach Bridal Makeup ?

We do teach Bridal Makeup Basics & Advance looks along with Hair course which would help the students start earning immediately once they are out in the world & gain experience.

Do you provide a Certificate or a Diploma ?

Yes, after successfully completion of theory & practical examinations of the CIDESCO International Media Makeup Diploma which is conducted by an examiner from the Cidesco Board we provide a certification from CIDESCO INTERNATIONAL & Meerras International School of Makeup & More to certify that you’ve graduated from the school.

Are photos included in the CIDESCO Medial Makeup course ?

Yes, digital photos of your work are included for the10 looks portfolio taught during the course. This is valid only for the Cidesco International Media Makeup Diploma.


This is normally an expensive service, but we will be shooting at the school and retouches pictures for your portfolio shall be provided to the students. All included in the price of the course which will help you to get your career started.

What happens after the course is complete ?

This is out most important questions and we answer the same way to each and every student. Don’t wait to finish before you start. From the 1st month onwards we actively encourage all our students to start working, be it with the models and photographers they shoot with originally for their first portfolio shoot or with many of out other student alumni. 

Do you provide Finance on your Course ?

No. We do not provide finance facilities, but have an Post Dated Cheque (PDC) arrangement with students if they cannot pay fees in full at one time.

Additionally you need to take Personal loans from your Bankers (not Educational Loan) as ours is a Private School.

Few providers who provide Personal loans (on the basis on your documents) are as below :-


and many such others….

Please note the School does not guarantee for the above vendors as the same has been suggested by our Students / Associates…

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